Monday, March 30, 2009

Floating fish farms

Floating fish farms:
A floating sea fish farm is used to breed sea fish.
These floating fish farms are especially common in Asia and they come together in large numbers mainly at the coasts of China and Japan. These Chinese floating fish farms consist of a floating raft with different "fish pens". Each of these rafts generally have their own house on it for the owner. In the pictures below you can see such typical Chinese fish farms:

When they are together in large numbers it look's like a floating village:

The biggest number of floating fish farms close together in the world are found not far from the city of Shantou in China. At this point these farms stretch for almost 12 kilometres. Thousands of such farms are floating in the water here:

Each of these fish farms you see in the pictures below are generally 30 by 30 metres but sometimes they are almost 250 metres long:

The chain of floating fish farms at this bay "begings" here and ends all the way here (12 kilometres further). The formations can sometimes be very chaotic, and there seems not to be really thought of a logical structure:

If you wonder how they reach these farms take a look here where you can see all the boats used to reach the farms.
Another place i found where a lot of them float together is here (Not far from Xiamen):

This farming complex stretches for almost 5 kilometres. At the coasts of the fish eating country number one; Japan they also use these floating fish farms a lot. Al though they look different from the Chinese ones. They don't have the small houses on it and they generally use nets in Japan which are supported by floating circle-shaped or rectangular girders. Like you can see in this bay in Southern Japan:

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